"Brown Sugar: Quando Tienen Frio.."
(inspired by Si*se's "Lullaby", Etro Anime's "Forgotten Love", and
someone I called "Sugar Booger"..)

Mmmm, give me that sweet pain
Poets need it
Tears flow in a stream of rain
Poets feed it
Rivulets of inner angst
Disinfect these sinner/saints
I feel "better" writing it out
But later seek to refill the tank
Binge/purge bulimic logic
I only understand the deep and cosmic
But I'm oblivious to the obvious
If it's mysterious, I'm fine with it
"Elementary, dear Watson"
But if it's in my face, I won't acknowledge it..

I lost the notebook with my poems for you
Matters not, for they're still known to Drew
You thought I was stroking your hair just to show you I cared?
I stole a lock so I could clone you
Then stole another "lock" so I could open you
And my beliefs on what we go through
Are like receipts at toll booths:
You only get it if you ask for it..
Passion demands that we "pash on it" (passionate)
But we're both so passive, we pass on it
We blame our ass-straw-logists
But we know that we should be "two"
Like the price of a gallon of gas, daggonit..

But alas, dawlin'
We are the failure to ask the question for fear of the answer
We are the failure to open the book for fear of the chapters
We are the failure to enter the castle for fear we'll be captives
We are "grown folks"
And tricks are for kids, silly rabbit
We are Brown Sugar, the movie
We are "Brown Sugar" by D'Angelo
We are Etro Anime's See The Sound
The whole damned album, yo
We are "too close to be friends"
We are "too close to be lovers"
We are "trouble"
So we are "in trouble" for being into each other
We are connected by ventricles and mental notes
Pencil strokes and wind-blown incense smoke
Tension, hope, and unasked questions that always end in "no"..
To see you grow, I'm thrilled
To see you leave, I'm miserable
But this is forgivable
Because our love is unconditional
So fly away, Bravebird
Like Nas said, "To the Rotten Apple
Take a bite; taste the worm.."
But whenever your wings hurt
Know that my heart is your place of "berth"
Hug me in your mind
And the embrace is returned..


© 2004, Drew Anderson, all rights reserved.

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